About dev-admin-Ausconnex-2023
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But we are proud to say that dev-admin-Ausconnex-2023 contributed 100 entries already.
Entries by dev-admin-Ausconnex-2023
Supply of transmission and distribution network equipment and consumables
/in Services/by dev-admin-Ausconnex-2023Through our strong relationships with reputable suppliers and access to multi-million dollar inventories of 5,000 SKUs across multiple locations, Ausconnex can rapidly supply/procure the transmission or distribution equipment and consumables for your project.
New Connections
/in Uncategorized/by dev-admin-Ausconnex-2023Delivering new connections is how we enable new communities and businesses to thrive. Ausconnex connects low/high voltage commercial and industrial businesses.
Construction and relocation of electrical assets
/in Uncategorized/by dev-admin-Ausconnex-2023Whether your project involves just a few poles or many kilometres of complex live wire underground or overhead services, Ausconnex can rapidly and safely remove, relocate, and construct your electrical assets.
Electrical Design
/in Uncategorized/by dev-admin-Ausconnex-2023We are trusted leaders in the design of transmission, distribution, and streetlighting networks to DNSP standards, including:
Phone: 13 32 29
Email: contact@ausconnex.com.au
49 Glendenning Road, Glendenning NSW 2761
Hoxton Park:
490 Hoxton Park Road, Hoxton Park NSW 2171
ABN: 39 232 846 628